APORS Council Meeting

17:10-18:10, Saturday 16 Nov 2024
Venue: West Lake Conference Room, Huabei Hotel Hangzhou China

Minutes of Meeting
1 Introduction of Participants
APORS Council meeting was called to order by Yu-Hong Dai at 17:10 pm BJT.
Attendees were as follows:

1Janny LeungIFORS President
2Francis MirandaIFORS VP for
& Representing ORSP
3Yuhong DaiPresidentAPORS/ORSC
4Govinda TamangPresidentAPORS Secretary General/ORS Nepal
5Honglei XuPresidentOR Society of Australia
6Jin Ki KimPresidentOR Society of Korea
7Yong Hong KuoPresidentOR Society of HK
8Jessica WangRepresentativeORS Singapore
9Degang LiuRepresentativeORSC
10Yukun ChengYouth Project

Absent with apology
The following APORS member society presidents were absent from the meeting:
1 New Zealand OR Society
2 OR Society of India
3 Iran OR Society
4 OR Society of Japan
5 MS/OR Society of Malaysia
6 Indonesian OR Association

2 The next triennial APORS 2027 Conference
Before the conference, the OR Society of Nepal and Australian Society for OR expressed their interest in hosting the next APORS meeting. The ASOR submitted a formal application. The president of ASOR Dr. Honglei Xu presented their bidding proposal for APORS2027 at the council meeting.

The APORS2027 is to be hosted by the ASOR in Perth, West Australia on November 10-13, 2027. Dr. Xu introduced the proposal of conference venues, conference Chairs, initial programs, and organizing plans. The proposal is accepted by the council meeting.

3 APORS Election of Officers for 2025-2027
Election of APORS officers for 2025-2027 were nominated, including:

Honglei Xu, Australian Society for Operations Research to be APORS President for 2025-2027:

Yong Hong Kuo, OR Society of Hong Kong SAR China to be APORS Vice President for 2025-2027:

Govinda Tamang, Operations Research of Nepal will continue to be APORS Secretary General for 2025-2027: and

APORS Treasurer for 2025-2027 will be Yuan Wang, Operations Research Society of Singapore

Prof. Yu-Hong Dai, APORS President 2022-2024, to be elected the IFORS VP for APORS for 2025-2027. This will be submitted to IFORS President for approval.

4 APORS website hosting and maintenance cost settlement agreed
The APORS website http://www.apors.org was redesigned and managed by the ORS Philippines. The cost of the domain hosting and administration (about 350 USD) will be paid by the hosting society of APORS Triennial Conference. This is re-proposed and agreed by the council meeting.

5 APORS Initiatives in 2025-2027
– APORS is to strengthen the communication and exchange among young researchers of its member societies. The ORSHK will host a one-day event of APORS Youth Forum. The president of ORSHK Dr. Yong Hong Kuo presented the forum proposal to be held in the end of 2025. The third APORS young researcher best paper award shall be started early 2025 and to be presented during the youth forum. Other mechanisms and suggestions were also discussed to promote PhD student and young scholar exchange programs, e.g. invite keynote speakers at the youth forum or organize tutorials.

– Three initiatives which APORS has started include Youth Forum, special interest groups of healthcare and optimization will be carried forward, based on their activities in the recent past two years, with the help of APORS leadership.

– Springer expressed interest to support OR book series on the APORS arena, e.g Springer published book series include SpringerBriefs in Operations Research, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, Uncertainty and Operations Research, etc. A plan of publishing and editorial board can be further discussed and established. Prof. Dai is committed to contributing to the OR book series.

6 Regular Zoom meeting of APORS member society presidents/secretaries
The Council Meeting suggest a regular meeting (virtual) of APORS member society leaders to be called every 3 months to discuss important APORS matters and exchange information.

The next (virtual) meeting of APORS will be on February 16, 2025.

The Council Meeting ended with a picture taken.