Operational Research Society of Singapore (ORSS)
The Operational Research Society of Singapore (ORSS) was registered as a professional association on 21st November, 1975. The society was formed in response to the need for such an association to promote the field of Operational Research in Singapore.
- to propagate the knowledge of Operational Research in Singapore.
- to promote the use of Operational Research techniques in industry, commerce and public administration.
- to foster, in the broadest sense, training and education in Operations Research.
- to promote the exchange of information and co-operation through its association with kindred societies.
- to contribute to the development of Operational Research in general.
- to promote theoretical and applied research in Operational Research.
ORSS has various activities within the year. The list pf past activities can be found at

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research is an international journal published by the Operational Research Society of Singapore and is the official journal of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies within IFORS (APORS). It provides a forum for practitioners, academics and researchers in operations research and related fields, within and beyond the Asia-Pacific region. APJOR is now published by World Scientific.