Program Schedule

Day 1: Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Philippine Time

Keynote Speaker

Title of Talk

from to from to    
30 100 830 900 Welcome Introduction  
100 200 900 1000 North America Karla Hoffman Successful OR Consulting: A Case in Telecommunications
200 300 1000 1100 Latin America Andres Weintraub OR: Changing the Way Firms Operate
300 600 1100 1400 BREAK BREAK
600 700 1400 1500 Europe Grazia Speranza New Challenges in Transportation and
Supply Chain Management
700 800 1500 1600 Asia Pacific Simon Dunstall Increasingly Complex Applications of OR In an Increasingly Complex World:
Case Studies From Australia

Day 2: Thursday, September 24, 2020


Philippine Time

National OR Society

National Paper Contribution Speaker
from to from to      
100 110 900 910 Intro    
110 130 910 930 New Zealand Modeling COVID-19 Patient Flows and Hospital
Capacity in New Zealand
Michael O'Sullivan
130 150 930 950 Australia Doing Tine-Critical OR in Challenging Times:
Lessons Learn from
COVID-19 Surge
Hannah Johns
150 210 950 1010 Malaysia Solid Waste Management and System Dynamics:
A Trend Analysis on Application of Methodology
Zulkifli Mohd Nopiah
210 230 1010 1030 BREAK    
230 250 1030 1050 Singapore Federated Learning Applications Sim Cheng Hwee
250 310 1050 1110 China A Highly Efficient Second-Order Optimization Method
for Feature Selection and Grouping in
High-Dimensional Data Analysis
Ziyan Luo
310 330 1110 1130 Philippines OR and Analytics Applied: The San Miguel Corporation (SMC) Experience Marie Shella Tan Mariscal
330 350 1130 1150 Hong Kong,
SAR China
Data Analytics and Simulation Optimization for
Hospital Emergency Department Operations
Yong-Hong Kuo
350 410 1150 1210 Singapore Models and Algorithms for Vehicle Routing Problems
with Profits
Aldy Gunawan
410 510 1210 1310 BREAK    
510 530 1310 1330 India Decision Support in Screening and Testing Populations
in a Pandemic
Vijay Chandru
530 550 1330 1350 Japan Aiming for Applying OR to the Public Sector Tatsuo Oyama
550 610 1350 1410 Nepal Demography Factors and Economic Growth in
South Asia
Govinda Tamang
610 630 1410 1430 Iran A Robust and Efficient Approach for Solving
Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
Neezam Mahdavi-Amiri
630 650 1430 1450 BREAK    
650 710 1450 1510 Korea Industry Applications of MS/OR in Korea Hyun-Soo Han
710 730 1510 1530 India Handling Double Whammy in COVID Time:
Demand and Supply Disruption and Recovery Through OR Models
Nita H. Shah
730 750 1530 1550 Nepal OR Models and Efficient Solutions for Maximum
Evacuation Planning Problem
Umila Pyakurel
750 810 1550 1610 Australia Visualising Solutions in Power System Planning
Problems via Decomposition
Semini Wijekoon
810 830 1610 1630 China

Supply Chain Network Management in Mitigation of

Dongdong Ge

Day 3: Friday, September 25, 2020


Philippine Time


from to from to    
100 110 900 910 INTRODUCTION
110 210 910 1010 Philippine Plenary Speaker: Jack Xu
210 230 1010 1030 BREAK  
230 250 1030 1050 Reducing Non-Revenue Water (NRW) in a Water Distribution Company using
Root-Cause Analysis and Prim’s Minimal Spanning Tree

Denizli Jade M. Praza
Dhon Dungca

250 310 1050 1110 Production Planning in a Garments Factory using ExtendSim Simulation and
Manpower Scheduling to Increase Productivity

Jamil O. David
Dhon G. Dungca

310 330 1110 1130 Solving the Air Cargo Space Allocation Problem of a Digital Logistics Company
by Mathematical Programming
Marilyn C. Mabini
330 350 1130 1150 Preliminary Work in Developing an Evacuation Support
Tool for a Metropolitan University
Therese Anne Rollan
Leorey Marquez
350 410 1150 1210 Food Hero Baguio- Facilitating Food Retrieval and
Distribution System to Charitable Institutions
Geraldine G. Nerona
410 510 1210 1310 BREAK  
510 530 1310 1330 An Integrated Executive Information System using
Augmented Analytics
Sergio R. Peruda Jr
530 620 1330 1420 Tutorial Session: Algebraic Modeling Languages and
Large-Scale Optimization Servers in the Cloud
Vicente P. Reventar III
620 640 1420 1440 CLOSING SESSION